The pandemic has sparked a worldwide shift in today's academic scenario. Online Education is the new normal in today's age. However, online lectures can be highly demanding. It is difficult to sit in a class knowing that your friend is not sitting beside you. These classes demand a higher attention span from students and at the same time increase their distractions. No wonder students are frustrated.
However, it does not have to be like this. Even though online lectures can get strenuous due to high screen time and lack of physical interaction, there are ways in which we can learn to manage these classes. After all, be it online or offline, learning must go on.
Here are a few tips which can make it easier for you to maintain focus and concentration during an online class:
1. Start your day afresh
There is nothing worse than trying to pay attention in a class with an empty stomach. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast before starting your online class. You can also keep some water and light snacks next to your laptop to grab in the 5-minute break in between classes. Also, keep in mind that you should avoid eating junk food as it can decrease your concentration level.

2. Exercise
This might sound surprising but exercising regularly can help keep your mind engaged for a longer period and ensure that you do not get distracted. When you exercise, your brain becomes more awake and alert. Exercising for merely 10 minutes in the morning can ensure that you remain active during class and do not dose off to sleep.

3. Prepare yourself
Instead of simply sitting in front of the laptop at the scheduled time of the class, make sure to clean your study space and ensure that you have all that you need at your disposal. Remember, a clean space is a clear mind. Along with this, make sure that there are no distractions in and around you which might divert your attention. Pick a quiet place in your house and ask your family members to not disturb you during this time. Close your chat windows and other tabs to prevent yourself from getting distracted by incoming messages.

4. Jot down Notes
Jotting down notes while attending a lecture can help increase your concentration and focus as you need to understand what is being said before you can write it down. You can use either paper notes or digital notes as per your convenience. Taking down notes also keeps you actively involved in the session and can be used as reference material for future.

5. Keep in Touch
Humans beings are social animals and can thrive only when they are in contact with people. So try to participate in your class, ask questions to your professor, join online study sessions, and video call your friends and classmates. Just because you are isolated does not mean that you are alone. Maintain close contact with friends, classmates, and professors to remain motivated.

6. Be kind to yourself
Last but not the least, don’t get frustrated if you are not able to study as effectively in online mode as you could before. Change is difficult, and it is difficult for everyone. Try your best to adjust to this new normal with positivity and enthusiasm. Don’t be too hard on yourself, practice self-compassion to deal with change better.
Online classes may seem difficult, but they offer an opportunity for your personal growth. They make you self-reliant by reducing your dependence on other people. They teach you how to be self-disciplined and flexible. While many situations may be out of your control right now, it is up to you to make the best of whatever is in your hands.
Always remember, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
A good read!
Good one! Very easy and helpful tips!
This is some really good practical advice. Good job !!!!
Need of the hour! Thank you so much for this article!
Great one! Sounds motivating! I will try some of these for my next lectures!